Dr. Kenneth Silvestri
Psychotherapist | Certified Homeopath
Publications (2019-2021)
The Use of Mutual Learning for Relational Self-Fulfillment
Emerging interpersonal possibilities for the new year and beyond.
Dec. 21, 2021
One night years ago in the mid-eighties on a snowy December evening, I was waiting to meet a friend in a tavern near Rockefeller Center. I found myself sitting at the bar next to then-Mayor Ed Koch. I said hello and introduced myself and he looked at me and said, "How am I doing?"
Holograms, Acorns, and Self-Fulfillment
How our brain seeks relationships.
Oct. 13, 2021
Each year, where I live along the Hudson River north of Manhattan, I revel in the sounds of falling acorns, each one a blueprint for a possible oak tree. How can this be?
The Joy of Homeopathy
Mental and Emotional Healing
Selected articles 1997-2020 and media presentations
Sep. 21, 2021
What follows is my contribution, to a theoretical framework that supports
amongst many things, Homeopathy, which I believe needs an epistemological
basis to explain and advocate for its wonderful healing process.
Legacy Poems e-Book
By Kenneth Silvestri
Selected poems
Sep. 21, 2021
Twenty three poems about growing up in Patterson, NJ and other family memories.
The Holistic Benefits of Family Therapy
How individuality is defined by the context of our relationships.
Aug. 21, 2021
Family Therapy, or “Systemic Therapy” as it is better described, is a holistic process that espouses resolving problems through relational healing.
A Post-Pandemic Perspective Using "Warm Data"
A process to address our emotional and relational needs.
Jul. 05, 2021
Our world is an ecological process that is more than the sum of its parts. It may not make sense to go back to business as usual given lessons learned from the recent . . .
Experience Walking Therapy
The value of harmonizing with nature.
May 07, 2021
Walking outside produces a visual spontaneity that can inspire both a therapist
and client and help them resolve problems. The outdoor environment is where our ...
How to Harvest Possibilities: Learning From the Greatest
A metaphorical lesson from Willie Mays.
Mar. 01, 2021
Willie Mays was my childhood hero. I followed his stats religiously, imitated his style of
running, and chased down fly balls with his famous patented basket catch. I realize . .
How to Widen Your Lens and become a Systemic Thinker and Communicator:
In memory of Paul Byers
Jan. 27, 2021
It was my mentor, Paul Byers from Columbia University, who introduced me to the
concept of Systemic Thinking and how to widen my lens. While his previous career . . .
Weathering Paradoxes Through Poetic Healing:
A courageous way to understand and soothe yourself during times of crisis.
Jan. 04, 2021
It is no surprise that most problems emanating from within our culture can be traced to an inability to work through paradoxes. Carl Jung recognized that this was an . . .
Why We Should Change the Noun "Gratitude" Into a Verb:
Preparing for a Joyful Holiday in This Crazy Time.
Nov. 17, 2020
I like using more verbs and fewer nouns. It underscores the expression "that the name is not the thing.” Nouns and their adjectives always seem to bring up a . . .
Similia Similibus Curentur:
The Gift of Homeopathy
Nov. 08, 2020
As part of a decision to live a life with a strong respect for communication, collaboration and seeing things systemically, it makes sense to consider a health . . .
Why and How to Be Part of Public-School Changes:
Time to Go Beyond the Bake Sale.
Oct. 5, 2020
Since we are living in unprecedented times, what is obvious is that we cannot rely on the social, political reality that was occurring prior to this pandemic. The need is to . . .
It Is All About Relationships:
What Family Therapists Should Know and Consider About Their Approach
Sept./Oct. 2020, pp 44-45
Family therapy, or “systemic therapy,” as it is better described, is a holistic process that espouses to resolve problems through relational healing, but is it practiced that way?
Smooth Sailing:
The Freedom of Forgiveness in this time of Crisis
August 22, 2020
In the book Forgive For Good: A Proven Prescription For Health and Happiness, Stanford Professor Fred Luskin emphasizes a forgiveness methodology based on . . .
Healing and Strengthening Significant Relationships:
An Ecological Framework for Couples Therapy.
August 16, 2020
Significant relationships are a process, a union that comes to fruition through mutual learning. It is a systemic journey where each moment is simultaneously part of . . .
How to Be in Harmony and Sustain our Interdependency:
Lessons from Aikido
July 28, 2020
Morihei Ueshiba’s portrait hangs above the kamiza, a place of honor in the front of our Dojo’s practice area, as it does in all Aikido Dojos internationally. He was born in . . .
An Ecology of Relationships: The importance of mutual learning.
June 24, 2020
When I was a graduate student at Columbia University, I always carried Gregory Bateson’s book, Steps to an Ecology of Mind* with me. In several chapters, Bateson used . . .
A Way to Create Needed Change: How to make and sustain a personal contribution to this time of transformation.
May 24, 2020
I am a firm believer that the major problems of the world arise, as anthropologist Gregory Bateson profoundly pointed out, from “the difference between the way nature works . . .
Collaboration is Contagious: The rewards of mutual learning and understanding our interdependency.
April 5, 2020
Given the recent pandemic and the challenges that we will all be facing for a long time to come, there is a new needed paradigm to communicate and take care of each other. I am quite sure you have heard people say to you, "let's be partners." How successful have these partnerships been in your life? An alternative to being "partners"is to be "collaborators."
The Map Is Surely Not the Territory: Implications of what we can learn from COVID-19.
March 16, 2020 (Ongoing Column #17)
During a recent tai chi class, we had a discussion of how the form we all practice at the same time manifests itself within each participant. In other words, how do our individual experiences come together to create this incredible unity that we all feel in different yet similar ways?
Double Binds: Damned If You Dare and Damned If You Don't
February 2020 (Ongoing Column #16)
Being inspired fills you with the urge to be creative. It is a way to view the world as an interdependent aesthetic experience. Inspiration allows you to be mindful and see things in context rather than depending on content.
Dealing with Stress: More than ever, it is time to take care of ourselves and each other.
WINTER 2019-2020
Our emotional well-being is extremely dependent on how we deal with "stress" and its ensuing patterns of fear and anxiety. Stress—whether it's brought on by busy winter holidays, dreary wintry weather, or disturbing world events—can undermine our health and relationships.
read article pdf (click below)
Be Inspired to Stretch Your Perceptual Edges
January 2020 (Ongoing Column #15)
Being inspired fills you with the urge to be creative. It is a way to view the world as an interdependent aesthetic experience. Inspiration allows you to be mindful and see things in context rather than depending on content.
Surely, We Need Not Only to Be in Harmony But to Sustain it
December 2019 (Ongoing Column #14)
I have been a student of Aikido, a martial art based on peace and harmony, for the past thirty years. What I learned on the mat during classes, has helped me, more importantly in my everyday interactions
Ditch Linear Thinking: Use peripheral vision to create solutions.
October 2019 (Ongoing Column #13)
A common theme in my practice, as with many psychotherapists, is the presenting problem of not being satisfied with life, which in most cases leads to different degrees of "anxiety" and/or "depression."
Overcoming Doubt, Understanding How It Comes About
September 2019 (Ongoing Column #12)
Reframing the meaning of yourself without doing it yourself.
Walking the Path of Beginner's Mind
August 2019 (Ongoing Column #11)
A lesson from my auto mechanic along the river's edge.
Who Do You Think You Are?
July 2019 (Ongoing Column #10)
There is a mystical energy in our family systems!
The Tao of Self-Fulfillment: A systemic framework to better connect to our world
June 2019 (Ongoing Column #9)
"How wonderful that we have met with a paradox. Now we have some hope of making progress." — Niels Bohr
The Ecology of Improvisation: A way of mutual learning
May 2019 (Ongoing Column #8)
The Art of Is: Improvising As A Way Of Life; by Stephen Nachmanovitch (New World Library: Novato, Calif., 2019).
Change Is Always Changing: Revisit how to create new possibilities
April 2019 (Ongoing Column #07)
Revisit how to create new possibilities.
The Ecology of Breathing: Enhancing Your Cuddle Hormone
March 2019 (Ongoing Column #06)
The benefits of managing stress through mindful breathing.
"Love: The Word is Not the Thing"
January 28, 2019 (Ongoing Column #05)
How can a loaf of bread help with understanding the complexity of relationships?